Similar to issues faced in other creative industries, if you want to reach any level of success within the animation industry there are a couple of things to take into consideration and several inevitable problems that one will have to overcome.
However, not everything is grim and gloomy. Directors in the creative industry have compiled a few tips to help struggling animators set up their priorities and know what to expect.
Be ready to accept unfairness
This is the case with most media and arts industries and, sadly, it’s something that you will have to get used to. It is almost impossible to get a paid job from the start without first having to do internships or volunteer work. This is obviously not fair but it’s not going to change very soon. This does not mean you have to treat this unpaid work with disgust and disinterest. On the contrary, this will have to be the time where you put the most effort into what you are doing in order to impress your employers and to have good recommendations on your resume.
Consider this internship as a sort of investment in your experience. Meet as many people in the industry and start building up connections so that they will help you in the future.
An apprenticeship is a good option
If you do not possess any university or college education in animation, then having completed an apprenticeship could be the best starting point for you in this line of work. There is usually also a small monetary incentive for these apprenticeships.
Usually, there are quite a lot of opportunities available depending on the projects, like scriptwriters, illustrators, animators for animated films or games and video producers. These projects usually last several weeks and as such it’s quite a learning experience.
Do not avoid marketing yourself
This is something that a lot of newcomers in most industries have an issue dealing with. Having a proper CV, profiles in social networks or on job portals is essential for your exposure to potential employers. Providing them with ample material to read prior to inviting them to an interview will give them the necessary information about you and your general capabilities and dedication for this job. Make sure you mention your specialization, like illustrating, Spiel animations, 3D graphical artistry, etc.
Just having a simple profile is insufficient, as you will also need to be active on them. Constantly search for positions, have imaginative applications, and you can even search for employers and meet them face to face for a discussion. They will most likely be very impressed with the tenacity you show in meeting them directly. If they do not have a job available for you on the spot, then they will remember you.