Twitter Curation & Presentation
Originally published in Business2Community
What do Twitter and Pinterest have in common in terms of user experience? Very little. Enter, Twylah. Twylah is a Twitter curation and presentation tool. It enables you to create dynamic landing pages, or “Fan Pages” from your Twitter content. These pages derive from the trending topics you choose, and take form in a subject-organized, visual experience. The beauty of Twylah is that it addresses a gap in the Twitter product. Twylah allows the casual user to enjoy Twitter without actually reading anything or having to organize it into an understandable flow. What’s more, Twylah pages are shareable on Twitter and Facebook, and are search engine crawlable, making them a great instrument for SEO.

The Need for Visual Curation
The need for curation stems directly from the infinite amount of information we tweet about. Only 8-10% of Americans use Twitter because it can be a data overload. Additionally, it doesn’t offer the most intuitive user experience. Twylah addresses both of these barriers, appealing to both die-hard Twitter users, as well as a whole new audience. With the advent of the camera phone, communication began to shift and a new, photo-driven culture emerged. The surge in popularity of social media sharing tools like Instagram and Path, are evidence of this evolution. Folks who are image-enticed but never caught-on to Twitter because they couldn’t cope with the 140-character limitation of it can now engage with a Twitter experience that is 100% visual. And because Twylah curates content by relevance and set preferences, this visual experience is fluid.
Higher Engagement
What’s interesting is that analytics from Twylah are showing these readers will remain on-page longer to engage with your content. The tool’s “Power Tweet” feature allows you to reinforce reader engagement and drive traffic to your personal Twylah page. You can send out tweets directly from your personal Twylah page, as well as a Twylah “bookmark button” to send power tweets from any other blog or news page you are browsing. According to Twyah, ” Power Tweets increase engagement (as defined by time spent on your Twitter content) by 4000%! …Viewers who click on Power Tweet links spend 3-5 minutes (on average) engaging with your original tweet and a larger portion of your Twitter content.” All this means Twylah is making inroads with businesses, as well. Companies and celebrities are beginning to use Twylah to promote their brand, generate more traffic, and to give their audience a more engaging Twitter experience. In the end, Twylah doesn’t replace Twitter–it doesn’t need to. And, in fact, it’s dependent on it. Twylah gives your Twitter data a second life who’s reach and engagement is beyond where it’s gone before.