Originally published to SocialMediaToday
SXSW Android Style
This is all fine and great when you have an arguably pathetic social life, like me. When two of your last eight photos are of your cat and you document your eating habits, sharing your content is not so bad. Don’t get me wrong, my phone pics are not valuable to my friends unless they need the press room hours, but there’s nothing to really be embarrassed about, at least.
What happens when you live a more “exciting” life, and you’re at SXSW for the week? And, for whatever reason, you actually use Google+ and have a few “circles” going? I know, a bit of a stretch on the last point.
Android and Google+ are making sure you don’t forget your decisions and amateur documentary work.
SXSW Gone Bad
This can be very bad for some folks.
So you fell asleep in a session, like Justin Beiber just as much, enjoy dancing with shirtless strangers, or just really admire an expression of cat art in fashion? Perfectly alright, just something your friends may not appreciate nearly as much as you do.
Google, please give the Image Uploader user more power to selectively choose what we care to relive and share. Something like “Android SXSW Off” available for 2014?
Meanwhile, I’ve launched the Twitter hashtag #SXSWGoneBad so we can all share everything Android wants us to.
^ And you can launch your own hashtag pre-populated Tweet by clicking the graphic above.
And because no one really wants this to begin with, SXSW or not, here’s a good video on how to disable it: How to Stop Instant Download on Android