Your Myers-Briggs Personality and Social Media Behavior [Infographic]

As published in Business2Community CPP, “The People Development People,” and publishers of the Myers-Briggs®  personality assessment, recently released an infographic based on their own original research about personality types and social media. The Myers-Briggs (MBTI®) personal inventory has helped millions of people around the world better understand themselves and how they interact with others.The program makes the […]

July 27, 2012
2 Mins Read


The Impetus for this blog was an inspiration one day after reading the book “Inbound Marketing.” Living in San Francisco at the time, the early 2010s were a hayday for innovative and emerging social media platforms and technologies (remember Google+?).

Years later, Social Marketing Fella has risen in authority, still features original thoughts, and most recently, product reviews. Along with some select contributed articles.

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