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Will Facebook Canvas Finally Deliver Effective Mobile Advertising?

To improve the Facebook ad experience of both the marketers and the users, the giant social media platform launched Facebook Canvas on February 2016. This full-screen ad experience that is built for businesses to bring an overwhelming, vivid description of who they are and what they offer.

The main idea is to put the brand’s profile in a nutshell— making it a more visually exciting form of an advert. Coca-Cola is one of the first major organizations who used Canvas on their Facebook Ad.

Discovering Facebook Canvas

Facebook flaunts Canvas as a customizable mobile space to effectively convey stories via multimedia. It allows brands to create more enticing narratives blended with photography, GIFs, animation, texts and videos.

The very idea of this style of promotion originates out of the fact that there are times when users click through an ad and only to find out that the mobile site loads slowly or on worst scenario, was actually nonexistent.

With Facebook Canvas, however, users can view a particular ad on a full-screen format allowing them to explore a particular brand’s story with panoramic photos, right-left-up-down movements, and some quick text snippets without needing to be redirected to any links.


The very idea of this style of promotion originates out of the fact that there are times when users click through an ad and only to find out that the mobile site loads slowly or on worst scenario, was actually nonexistent.

With Facebook Canvas, however, users can view a particular ad on a full-screen format allowing them to explore a particular brand’s story with panoramic photos, right-left-up-down movements, and some quick text snippets without needing to be redirected to any links.


With Coca-Cola’s canvas, for example, it takes viewers from a creative GIF into images of their new aluminum bottle and a time-lapse video of an artist painting the iconic white and red bottle on the white wall. In this ad alone, Coca-Cola was able to get millions of views from Facebook users around the globe.

Is Facebook Canvas Enough To Suffice Every Marketers Need For Mobile Marketing?

With such a great appeal of further possibilities, there is a great risk that marketers might entirely rely on the canvass to be their sole foray for mobile promotion.

Forgetting and missing all other channels like Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and other in-app ads, may greatly leave a gap between a particular brand’s Facebook audiences and the other social sites as mentioned.


Facebook Canvas provides a brilliant outlet for the marketers to exercise their creativity, engage with customers in a fresh way and further intensify Facebook reach.

However, with the question if is this going to suffice the necessity of marketers for effective mobile marketing? Well, NO! But it may significantly help.

The thing is that if brands will solely rely their mobile marketing efforts on this new Facebook feature, they will surely miss out several opportunities to completely maximize every marketing potential of the vast mobile channels.

Go An Extra Mile With Facebook Canvas As An Inspiration


This billion dollar company is indeed an internet juggernaut. It’s been driving one-fourth of the entire traffic on the web and accounts for 37% of mobile display ads. Facebook with its advertising potential seems like a one-stop shop for a mobile marketing movement.

Yes! This might work for a business that tries to reach audiences who demonstrate a solid alliance to Facebook.

But then again it is still a non-viable strategy thinking that the realm of mobile marketing is dynamic – it grows and constantly changes. There is no such reason an Instagram or Twitter Ad can’t be as enticing as a Facebook Canvas campaign. Each social sites has their respective forte that a certain business can take advantage of.


If enterprises are seeking to target photo lovers, more likely they’re on Instagram. Or, if they trying to reach crafty personalities, Pinterest could be a great medium.

Few data about audience activities, demographics and preferences could lead to personalization – the initial key to any successful marketing campaign.


If you believe Canvas is a potent way of telling your brand’s pieces to millions of audience around the world, then keep going! Never stop exploring possibilities. The best seafarers didn’t stop exploring at one sea; they constantly seek better adventure.

Canvas is an exceptional form of marketing but again, this is not the only marketing resource you can utilize to maximize your mobile marketing campaign.

As with the cutting edge advertising mediums available in today’s market, you constantly need to be flexible to stay ahead of the boulder.

Patrick P. is the CEO of LinkVista Digital Inc, a boutique link building company in the Philippines. His team also provides web design and article writing services.

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Andre Bourque (@SocialMktgFella) is a cannabis industry media influencer, brand executive and advisor, blockchain marketer, and cannabis columnist. He specializes in cannabis industry partnerships, distribution, and funding. He is a ranked social media marketing and content strategist.

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