Sales Strategy

Methods Technology Companies Can Use to Grow Sales

Engaging customers on a daily basis and helping to push them along the buying cycle is an incredibly important practice for any tech business in the digital age. Fortunately, there are numerous low-cost lead generation techniques that can help to win over customers and boost sales, such as simple improvements to social media engagement, new SEO strategies and content marketing and establishing better telecommunications. Transforming how you interact with clients could be the key to long-term success.

Making your business, website and social media services more approachable and engaging is the best way to convert clicks into paying customers. For a tech firm, this could involve simplifying the technical jargon and details for each of your products or diversifying web advertising techniques to take advantage of search engine marketing, display advertising and mobile advertising.

Social Media

Social media is now central to the customer experience and is one of the prime methods of building relationships. It should also be a hub for your company that showcases your products, brand image and details. Establishing an online presence is important as it will directly influence your target audience’s buying decisions and can be a means to demonstrating your expertise in the industry through regular blog posts and other content. It will also help you to keep in touch with customers and show them how you can react and respond to their needs.

Constant Contact

Being in constant contact with potential clients is vitally important in the business world so you must establish robust telecommunications. Primus can deliver Business Internet, Dedicated Internet, Carrier Ethernet, Fiber and other reliable and secure access solutions to help you to communicate reliably at any time of the day. Meanwhile, Primus’ up to date business phone service, which covers local and voice products for firms in the United States, can drive down costs, boost productivity and offer a new way for potential and existing customers to contact you. Additional services including Business Conferencing and Business Calling Cards make it easier to connect with associates and customers across the globe, which can help to grow sales.

Email Marketing and SEO

Email marketing remains particularly effective for lead generation as it enables firms to re-establish relationships with existing customers. It will always be easier to cross sell or upsell a new range of products to these customers so crafting an engaging email could be enough to get them back on board. Make sure to find out which emails offer the best click through and sales conversion rates and test the frequency of emails and the time you send them in order to optimize your campaign.

You should also attempt to improve your SEO methods so your web pages appear on the first page of Google and Bing rankings. This ties in with the content you produce and social media, as the keywords used and its ability to be shared across the web will help to boost your visibility when clients search for your products. In order to succeed in the modern digital landscape, tech firms must employ a range of marketing strategies and establish a robust telecoms and tech foundation.

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Andre Bourque (@SocialMktgFella) is a cannabis industry media influencer, brand executive and advisor, blockchain marketer, and cannabis columnist. He specializes in cannabis industry partnerships, distribution, and funding. He is a ranked social media marketing and content strategist.

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